
Showing posts from August, 2023

After the Dance

"I mean, look at this," Samuel gestured at the empty parking lot with his burger.  There wasn't much to see: just cracked asphalt interspersed with bare trees ranging to the darkness.  The muggy air smelled of dust and exhaust. "At what?" "All this!"  This time, the arc of his burger spanned the entire lot.  "Our ancestors would be proud." I gave the lot a second pass, trying to work out which one of us was too drunk to understand.  A few soda cups loitered by the handicapped parking. The bare trees stretched their skeletal shadows into the gloom.  Past the veil of night, a raccoon's eyes flared green before it scurried about its business.  Noting nothing pride worthy, I settled on a more pertinent question "Yo, is there any wine left?" "Lemme check," Samuel took a swig, grimaced, and spat on the curb.  "Yeah, plenty." "Give it here."  I accepted the bottle and took a long pull. "Like, we'v